Elizabeth Turner Stories

Author Landing Page

Hello! Welcome to my author landing page! My name is Elizabeth Turner, and I write stories! I mostly write YA Romance, but I plan to branch out to Fantasy at some point as well. I am also the Liz that runs this blog with my friend, Yuki. The links to all of my socials and my stories are in the buttons below!

Petrichor and Spare Me the Dramatics! are out now in serial format on Kindle Vella, with Ebook and paperback options coming once they are completed on the Vella platform.

If you’d like to check out my author page on Amazon, it is right here!

Stuck in her small home in a huge city, Laura is fed up with the stuffy, bustling energy of Pittsburg, PA. On her 20th birthday, she decides that it is time to make a change. With her cat Moxie in her arms, Laura sets her eyes on new horizons, winding roads, and the crashing waves of Charleston, SC. Through her journey and the stories of those she meets, Laura will unlock the world state by state and person by person, opening her eyes to new experiences. She may even find love along the way. Follow Laura’s story on Kindle Vella!

Alex has it all together. With straight A’s, two unstoppable best friends, a team that always has her back, and a bowling arm that never misses its mark, she is on top of the world. However, when Carter, the star of the rival team, catches her eye, will it all go to the gutter? Could this be a perfect game for the star-crossed teens, or will they end up with a dreaded 7-10 split? Watch their love story grow on Kindle Vella!