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June 2024

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National Friendship Day

Today, on August 6th, we get to celebrate the gift of friendship with National Friendship Day! It is a day to be cherished by all. Join us as we reflect on the relationships that expand our social horizons!

Free Coloring Pages!

In honor of National Coloring Book Day from yesterday, August 2, I made some free coloring pages for y’all to print out! -Liz

National Coloring Book Day

Happy National Coloring Book Day! Unleash your inner child; discover the magic of coloring for health and relaxation.

Planner Day – Free Planner Pages!

Happy Planner Day, August 1! In lieu of an article, here is a free PDF containing some planner pages I created! My apologies for the lack of an article. I’ve been sick this week. -Liz

National Mutt Day

Celebrate National Mutt Day! Embrace the unique charm of mixed-breed dogs – healthier, versatile, and full of surprises. Discover the joys of mutt companionship.

National Lasagna Day

Layers of savory delectability await today, for it is National Lasagna Day! July 29th marks a day full of preheated ovens, boiled noodles, simmering sauces, and sizzling meats and veggies! Grab your aprons and ready your forks, for this holiday is sure to make your stomach rumble!

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