About Us

Welcome to TopicWell, a blog created by two lifelong friends connected through writing and gaming!
They may live miles apart, but they couldn’t be more connected in their goal of bringing you the best content!
Let’s dive in and learn about the quirky and kind authors, Liz and Yuki.

Hi! I’m the Liz in TopicWell’s contact email! It is so nice to introduce myself to all of our lovely readers!

As a writer, gamer, and avid reader, I love quiet spaces, exploring my emotions, and speaking up about what I believe in.

I have many interests and hobbies, including old Nintendo games, playing scary games with my friends, baking, caring for my house plants, and more! One of my favorite hobbies, however, is writing!

I cherish my friends, my hobbies, and my family, and I try my best to enjoy all that life has to offer. I am also a big coffee drinker, though I do dabble in the occasional cup of tea.

I have been writing as a hobby since middle school, and I have been doing so professionally for a number of years. That passion of mine is what fueled my desire to create this incredible blog with my best friend, and it is a project that we have worked very hard to present to you today.

I certainly know that I am proud of beginning this invigorating journey, and I am very thankful to have Yuki to inspire that journey to go even further!

Read more about Liz here!
Greetings! I’m Yuki, the Key in our contact email. Glad to have you here!

I’m a single mom juggling the home life, professional life, and personal. When I can, I like to play DnD and PF2E, though I’ve come to enjoy PF2E more.

I’m the team member who drinks tea instead of coffee, but that’s not to say I dislike coffee! I just have to be careful with my caffeine intake. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a good herbal tea when they want to relax?

I’ve freelanced long enough to know that I love turning my writing hobby into a career. I know, I know, “never make a hobby your job.” That’s what people say, and frankly, I agree. It’s not supposed to be a job. It’s supposed to be a passion.

When you’re passionate, you feel accomplished. So, maybe it’s just my naivete, but I believe careers are more than just jobs. Getting into the career we love is a means of expressing our passion.

My experiences have inspired me to take matters into my own hands and forge a proper career — with the priceless help of Liz, of course! It hasn’t been easy, but dreams don’t come true by sitting and waiting.

Read more about Yuki here!