International Culinarians Day

Do you like food? I sure do! Sizzling sauteed veggies, mouthwateringly gooey mac and cheese, and sweet Southern pies make my taste buds dance! Do we ever stop and think about the hands that make the food, though?

If you’re like me, that answer may vary, but on this delightful food holiday that can all change! Today is International Culinarians Day, July 25th. It’s a day for celebrating chefs, bakers, and cooks of all kinds! Celebrate with me as we appreciate the many hands that create food around the world!

What is a Culinarian?

A culinarian is someone who is good at making food! This can be a meal, as with chefs, or a cake from a baker! Anyone who has cooking skills can be considered a culinarian! I won’t say I’m the best cook, but I can make a chicken pot pie that will turn heads. Anyone with a mixing bowl, a recipe, and a dream can be a culinarian if they put their minds to it. Today, we’re celebrating such people!

Famous Culinarians

Now, my favorite chef is fictional, but he represents the expanse of culinarians in the media today. That chef is Remy from Pixar’s Ratatouille. This little guy captured hearts with his friend Linguini as they fought to bring delicious meals to food critics and beyond! This heartwarming animated movie inspires me to test the waters of new recipes from time to time. Maybe it could inspire you, too!

Pastry chefs like the famous “Cake Boss” Buddy Valastro and “Ace of Cakes” Duff Goldman are renowned for their decorative and delicious confections! Valastro and his family create mind-boggling cakes at Carlo’s Bakery that emulate real-life objects, are decorated to the nines, and look scrumptious! One of my favorites from his show is an aquarium cake with colorful, realistic coral! Goldman makes some impressive creations too, including a giant fast-food cake that looks like a hamburger, hot dog, and french fries stacked on top of each other! His bakery is called Charm City Cakes.

Whenever I hear the word chef (or idiot sandwich), one particularly memorable British chef comes to mind. Yes, I mean Gordon Ramsay! He’s another favorite of mine because his cooking shows are amusing to watch, and he’s very talented! He has a multitude of television shows, restaurants, and books to back up this claim! Ramsay has been a head chef since the youthful age of 27, and he has many Michelin stars.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but it showcases just how wide the range of culinarians can be! From wedding cakes to scrambled eggs, every cook counts!

Celebrate Cuisine!

So, how can we celebrate International Culinarians Day? Pick up your chef’s hat and let’s get cooking with some ideas!

  • Thank a chef! If you go to a restaurant, or if you know a culinarian personally, thank them with kind words of appreciation and let them know how yummy their food is!
  • Try out some new recipes! Pick up a spatula and test your culinary skills.
  • Watch cooking shows! Get inspired by experienced chefs and thrilling competitions.
  • Check out a new bakery or restaurant! Expand your tasty horizons and try out some local eateries.

I hope you enjoyed this article on International Culinarians Day! It sure made me hungry! Before you head out to grab a slice, feel free to share your favorite chefs, recipes, and culinary experiences below! Consider donating to the blog if you’d like to see more content like this, and thank you so much for reading!

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