Guinea Pig Appreciation Day

Happy Guinea Pig Appreciation Day! Today, on July 16th, we celebrate the tiny, mighty, fluffy guinea pig! How could you not love these cute little guys? Furry and small with big, lovable hearts, guinea pigs are social critters that have been melting hearts for centuries.

Hailing from the Andes mountains of Peru, domestic guinea pigs today fill homes worldwide with sweet squeaks and soft snuggles. Cuddle a cutie and get ready to learn about these amazing pets!

There’s Nothing Wild About These Guys!

Guinea pigs were first domesticated in Peru over 3,000 years ago! To this day, they no longer exist naturally in the wild. Fear not, however, for these rapidly reproducing rodents can have litters of up to 13 pups, and as incredibly social beings, their love knows no bounds. The sows, or female guinea pigs, only take 68 days to have their young, and the boars, or male guinea pigs, can breed with them year-round. That’s a lot of babies!

European countries settled guinea pigs into a life of comfort when they were fully domesticated as pets in the 1800s. They were also, sadly, used as lab subjects in the years to follow. This is where the colloquial term ‘guinea pig‘ comes from in regard to using someone as a test subject. However, guinea pigs are far more likely to be taken home as pets today, as lab testing has gradually died down over the years.

Piggy for Your Thoughts?

Here are a few facts about our friend, the guinea pig!

Appreciate the Pig!

So, how can you celebrate Guinea Pig Appreciation Day? Here are some ideas!

  • Adopt a friend! See if your local shelter has any guinea pigs up for adoption, and consider taking a couple home if you’re able! Make sure to adopt responsibly, and ensure ample socialization of your new friend. They can get very sad if left alone.
  • Donate to a charity such as Cruelty-Free International to help stop lab tests on animals like the guinea pig.
  • If you own guinea pigs, show them extra love with treats, cuddles, and playtime!
  • Throw a Guinea Pig Party!

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